Variant A/B Testing

Campaign-Level A/B Testing

Which headline will work better? Which incentive should I use? What should I write on the call-to-action (CTA) button?

These are all typical questions most marketers need to address when creating their popup campaigns.

Variant A/B testing can give you answers to these questions. And this is good news because it means that you don’t have to be an oracle to predict which headline will perform the best: you can simply test them against each other, and then pick the winning variant.

How does Variant A/B testing work?

It works by splitting a group of visitors that are targeted by the same campaign into two and showing them different versions of your campaign.

This will result in very similar impression numbers for each variant, so you can easily compare the results.

How to set up Variant A/B testing?

Setting up Variant A/B testing is super easy. You just need to create and activate a new variant of your campaign, and the A/B test will start automatically.

To create a new variant of your campaign, just click on the “New variant” button or simply duplicate an existing variant:

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