Improve product recommendations by making them relevant to the user. Make sure you’re displaying relevant products, start by asking visitors what products they’re interested in. Back to all tactics PERSONAL RECOMMENDER Personalize messaging based on interest Improve product recommendations by making them relevant to the user. Expected results +30-50% product recommendation conversion rate Difficulty Advanced […]
Industry: ecommerce
basic+20-40%popup conversion rate
Seasonal OffersPackage your offers into seasonal flavorsIndustryEcommerce
Improve the effectiveness of your first-purchase discounts by giving them a seasonal spin with OptiMonk. The added sense of urgency will boost your conversion rates. Back to all tactics SEASONAL OFFERS Package your offers into seasonal flavors Improve the effectiveness of your first-purchase discounts by giving them a seasonal spin. Expected results +20-40% popup conversion […]
intermediate+15%opt-in rate
Segmenting List BuilderSegment and guide your visitors while building your listIndustryEcommerce
Increase opt-in rates & collect more zero-party data while improving UX with personalized offers. Start building a segmented email list and recommend relevant products simultaneously. Back to all tactics SEGMENTING LIST BUILDER Segment and guide your visitors while building your list Increase opt-in rates & collect more zero-party data whileimproving UX with personalized offers Expected […]
intermediate+3-5%conversion rate
Personal Welcome BackPersonalize your homepage messaging for returning customersIndustryAny
Personalize your welcome popups with the country name for your international visitors by using our Smart Tags feature, and increasing your conversion rate by 15%. Back to all tactics PERSONAL WELCOME BACK Personalize your homepage messaging for returning customers Boost returning customer conversion rates and improve lifetime valueby delivering a personalized experience. Expected results +3-5% conversion […]
Trojan HorseBuild your email and SMS list at the same timeIndustryEcommerce
Personalize your welcome popups with the country name for your international visitors by using our Smart Tags feature, and increasing your conversion rate by 15%. Back to all tactics TROJAN HORSE Build your email and SMS list at the same time Get your email subscribers’ phone numbers withoutsacrificing email list growth. A unique method created […]
advanced+50%Facebook Ads ROI
Ad-Landing Page SynchronizerPersonalize landing page headlines based on ad copyIndustryAny
Start boosting your Facebook ads ROI by personalizing the copy and the value proposition of your landing page to match the message in each ad. Back to all tactics AD-LANDING PAGE SYNCHRONIZER Personalize landing page headlines based on ad copy Boost your Facebook ads ROI by matching landing page copy to your Facebook ads. Expected […]
basic+3-5%conversion rate
Browsing ReminderHelp returning visitors by reminding them where they left offIndustryEcommerce
Increase the conversion rate of returning visitors and create a smooth user experience for them by helping them continue where they left off last time. Back to all tactics BROWSING REMINDER Help returning visitors by reminding them where they left off Increase the conversion rate of returning visitors by helping them continue where they left […]
advanced+50%conversion rate
Ad-Popup SynchronizerCustomize welcome popups according to the messaging of display adsIndustryAny
Personalize your messages and product recommendations on your website based on user interests to increase your opt-in rates and drive more sales to your website. Back to all tactics AD-POPUP SYNCHRONIZER Customize welcome popups according to the messaging of display ads Boost opt-in rates & drive more sales with interest-based personalization. Expected results +30-50% conversion […]
intermediate+10%conversion rate
Local Site RedirectRedirect visitors to the right regional websiteIndustryAny
Use a welcome popup to create a seamless and personalized experience to boost your conversion rates by redirecting international customers to the right regional website. Back to all tactics LOCAL SITE REDIRECT Redirect visitors to the right regional website Improve user experience by redirecting customers to their region-specific URL Expected results +10% conversion rate Difficulty […]
advanced+15%conversion rate
World-Wide WelcomeTailor the content of your welcome popups to visitors from key countriesIndustryAny
Personalize your welcome popups with the country name for your international visitors by using our Smart Tags feature, and increasing your conversion rate by 15%. Back to all tactics WORLD-WIDE WELCOME Tailor the content of your welcome popups to visitors from key countries Improve the user experience of international visitors by welcoming them with a […]