Use Dynamic Content to boost product page conversion rates up to 10% and and display personalized product messaging for each customer group you are targeting. Back to all tactics PRODUCT PAGE PERSONALIZER Tailor product page messaging to align with your ad copy Boost product page conversion rates with personalized messaging for different target audiences. Expected […]
Industry: ecommerce
advanced+20%conversion rate
Traffic-Based WelcomeDisplay personalized offers based on traffic sourceIndustryAny
Use source-based targeting so you can display personalized offers and discounts to your visitors based on where they’re coming from and increase your conversion rates. Back to all tactics TRAFFIC-BASED WELCOME Display personalized offers based on traffic source Boost the conversion rate of your social traffic by displaying personalized welcome messages. Expected results +20% conversion […]
intermediate+20%conversion rate
Offer A/B TestTest different offers in your lead generation formsIndustryAny
Learn how to increase the conversion rate of your email signup forms, by testing different offers such as: 10% off, $10 off or free shipping. Back to all tactics OFFER A/B TEST Test different offers in your lead generation forms Increase the conversion rate of your email signup forms by testing different offers Expected results […]
intermediate+50%conversion rate
Landing Page A/B TestTest landing page headlines with different value propositionsIndustryAny
Improve the conversion rate of your landing pages by A/B testing different headlines with different value propositions and finding the best one for your audience. Back to all tactics LANDING PAGE A/B TEST Test landing page headlines with different value propositions Improve the conversion rate of your landing pages by finding the best value proposition […]
intermediate+5%conversion rate
Localized Shipping BarPersonalize your shipping bars based on locationIndustryEcommerce
Increase the conversion rate of your international visitors with highly personalized messages that highlight relevant shipping information based on the location of each website visitor. Back to all tactics LOCALIZED SHIPPING BAR Personalize your shipping bars based on location Increase the conversion rate of international visitors by highlighting relevant shipping information Expected results +5% conversion […]
basic50%response rate
Attribution SurveyLaunch a post-purchase attribution surveyIndustryAny
Ask your customers where they heard about you using a thank you popup to discover where they’re really coming from and get real attribution data. Back to all tactics ATTRIBUTION SURVEY Launch a post-purchase attribution survey Discover where your customers are really coming from and measure real attribution Expected results 50% response rate Difficulty Basic […]
intermediate+50%5-star reviews
Review BoosterCollect 5-star reviews more effectively in a compliant wayIndustryEcommerce
Get more 5-star reviews from satisfied customers in a customer-friendly way and build trust with new customers, while also getting honest feedback from unsatisfied customers. Back to all tactics REVIEW BOOSTER Collect 5-star reviews more effectively in a compliant way Get more 5-star reviews in a customer-friendly way without increasing the risk of negative reviews […]
intermediate+200%opt-in rate
List Building A/B TestTest different list building tactics against each otherIndustryAny
3X your list building popup’s conversion rate by testing different list building tactics against each other and finding the best offer for your website visitors. Back to all tactics LIST BUILDING A/B TEST Test different list building tactics against each other 3X your list-building popup’s conversion rate by finding the best offer for your visitors […]
intermediate+20%bounce rate
Smart Abandonment StopperEncourage product discovery by promoting your top products on autopilotIndustryEcommerce
Stop abandoning visitors without discounting and increase your conversion rate while saving money by promoting bestseller products for each month on autopilot with a popup. Back to all tactics SMART ABANDONMENT STOPPER Encourage product discovery by promoting your top products on autopilot Stop abandoning visitors without discounting and increase your conversion rate while saving money […]
intermediate+15%conversion rate
Offer SpotlightShow limited-time offers consistently throughout your siteIndustryAny
Maximize FOMO and get the most out of your limited-time offers with embedded campaigns by showing them consistently throughout several landing pages of your site. Back to all tactics OFFER SPOTLIGHT Show limited-time offers consistently throughout your site Boost the effectiveness of your limited-time offers through consistent communication. Expected results +15% overall conversion rate Difficulty […]