Get the most out of your traffic - guaranteed
The most powerful guarantee
any CRO tool provides.
No credit card required.
Free account forever.

4.9/5 - Over 400 five star ratings

The most powerful guarantee
any CRO tool provides.
No credit card required.
Free account forever.
4.9/5 - Over 400 five star ratings
We guarantee you’ll boost your revenue compared to not using popups by at least 10% with OptiMonk – or we’ll return your money back.
We guarantee you’ll boost your revenue compared to any other popup solution by at least 10% with OptiMonk – or we’ll return your money back.
Four steps to be eligible for our guarantee
Get at least one member of your team take
our course and get CVO certified.
If we didn’t deliver on the 10% increase, we’ll give 100% of your money back.
Do you really guarantee a 10% lift in my revenue?
Yes. Based on our experiences with hundreds of e-commerce sites we trust our tool that – when used correctly – it will increase revenue by at least 10%.
When you say you’ll increase my revenue, what kind of revenue do you mean?
We mean Total Online Sales, which happens directly on your domain where OptiMonk is installed. It needs to be measurable in Google Analytics.
I’m already using a competitor of OptiMonk. Will you guarantee that you’ll increase my revenue 10%?
No. In case you are already using a popup solution, we can only guarantee that OptiMonk will increase the assisted revenue generated by the other popup tool by 10%. There are several types of assisted revenues, what we aim to measure is the “true” assisted revenue, which is called Net Assisted Revenue.
How can you prove you really increased my revenue by 10%?
We have a systematic and proven measurement protocol. Following this measurement protocol, we can make sure that the results will be both correct and significant.
Why do I have to follow your measurement protocol?
Otherwise, neither of us will be able to prove how much extra revenue did OptiMonk make. Following the protocol also ensures that the best campaign variations are set up and will help you avoid costly and unnecessary mistakes.
What is the timeframe for the revenue increase?
It depends on your current traffic and how much is the performance difference between the segments. What we aim for is statistically significant results. It can take anywhere from a couple of days to several months.
What kind and how many campaigns do I need to set up?
We can’t say for sure. You know your customers best, and you can best decide which segments have the most optimization potential. We trust that after getting yourself or one of your team members CVO certified you will have all the necessary knowledge to set up your high-converting popup campaigns.
Why do I need to take your course?
Having the most powerful racecar will not help you win the race if you can’t drive it. It is the same with popups: you can have the most powerful e-commerce popup tool at your disposal, if you don’t learn the basics of creating high-converting popups, your results will fall below the expectations.
Does getting one of my team members CVO certified cost me money?
No, it is 100% free.
Who can help me make sure everything is correctly set up?
In case you get stuck at any stage of the process, feel free to set up a call with our success team members, who will be able to assist you.
No credit card required • Free account forever • Easy setup
Product updates: January Release 2025