Why measure user sentiment and what does this mean? The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is one way to measure user sentiment and is a very broad and general survey, canvassing all your website visitors. It therefore only provides an indicator of satisfaction or dissatisfaction, providing no details of why they are satisfied or dissatisfied. The reason why you should measure user sentiment is that it is a starting point, a way to start a conversation with your users and a way to get to know your customers, – which is invaluable.
What is the Net Promoter Score (NPS)?
NPS is a measure of customer loyalty and customer advocacy that uses a survey scale typically of 0-10 where 0 would be highly unlikely and 10 would be extremely likely. The score is supplied by the customer in response to the question posed
“How likely is it that you would recommend this service/product/company”.
NPS became popular after Fred Reichheld, the creator was able to demonstrate a strong relationship between the survey results and company growth.
Based on their score participants are classified/categorized as either Promoters, Detractors or Passives. Just as the category titles suggest, promoters love your offering and actively promote it, whereas detractors do the opposite, complaining and damaging your brand. Another group, known as Passives are neither for or against your product, this group of people is best described as disinterested.
How is the Net Promoter Score Calculated?
The NPS score is calculated by taking the percentage of detractors minus the percentage of promoters.
How the Net Promoter Score builds loyalty.
Happy customers are promoters, – they are the kinds of customers who refer you to others and are loyal. The obvious question here is what makes a happy customer. At the top of the list of answers to this question is that a happy customer is a valued customer, – they must feel valued and that their feelings about you and your product or service are acknowledged. NPS does exactly this.
NPS asks for the most general of feedback, and customers love being asked for feedback, and so, the very act of asking for feedback builds trust and loyalty and makes it easy to ask the question “Why did you provide this score”.
How NPS helps Business Sell more Products or Services.
The quality of customer service provided to potential customers and customers is often a major part of any buying decision and/or the decision to remain a customer. It is therefore essential to get customer service and communication right.
Promotors are hugely valuable because they make referrals which are the highest converting group of leads. In addition, those referred are likely to spend far more on your products or services than those who are not referred. It is this reason why NPS makes a great KPI.
How Should the NPS be used?
The NPS is a very broad indicator of how customers feel about the brand in question. It should not be used in isolation because it does not provide the deep qualitative feedback necessary to facilitate real change. Instead, use NPS as part of a comprehensive customer satisfaction survey which does elicit more detailed qualitative feedback.
Why NPS Matters so Much?
Staying relevant to customer requirements is the ultimate goal of any business, with customer feedback used as a driver for change, it enables businesses to fix problems as they come up enabling them to stay relevant to customer’s needs. The NPS score is a starting point for further investigation. A falling score is an alert that something is going wrong and that additional steps need to be taken to identify problems and find solutions. By dealing with your detractors it is easy to turn them into promoters, just by listening to them, dealing with their concerns and fixing problems you will lose fewer customers and get more referrals.
The Challenges of Implementing an effective Customer Satisfaction Survey.
Knowing what questions to ask is always a difficult part of the process. Sometimes the questions are obvious. Other times questions can come from investigating consumer satisfaction Indicators. These indicators can come from a variety of different sources, directly from customers through feedback forms, competitor analysis or google search data for example. Ask yourself how are people finding your website, what search terms are they using in Google search? The answer is often surprising. The obvious question here is “Did you find what you were looking for?”, if the answer “No” is given then ask, “What were you looking for?”
Most companies put in place an annual customer satisfaction survey and for many businesses this is sufficient. However, for some, a year is just too long a time, consider implementing a real-time, ongoing customer satisfaction survey. This can be implemented using Onsite Retargeting.
How to Remain Relevant to your Customers All the Times.
Onsite retargeting technology provides the answer to the question “How can we stay relevant” within a competitive marketplace? The answer is by providing businesses and webmasters the means to target website visitors or customers with always present NPS Surveys and elicit real-time feedback messages that can be triggered by NPS survey completion, indicators of dissatisfaction or by segment, topic interest or by traffic source. This is the how.
It has never been so easy to keep a business and brand on track, ahead of competitors. Onsite retargeting feedback features enables a business to stay lean and Agile, responsive to changing consumer requirements.
To get the most out of this instant feedback, onsite retargeting technology must be leveraged to provide a metrics for customer services, sales fulfillment and sMarketing in general. Here’s why it matters so much.
- The highest converting website traffic is referral traffic (happy customers make great advocates).
- As much as 50% of the buying decision is based on the customer service provided (depending on industry).
- Sales are now about sales fulfillment, closer to customer services rather than in the sales teams of the past.
- If customers complaints are not dealt with they are likely to complain in a more public manner, greatly damaging reputation.
- If a customer is referred, then they are likely to spend much more.
- By the time a customer contacts the sales team, they are already 67% of the way to purchasing, which means that your website content, reviews, and referrals are essential to selling the product.
TIP: Your customer service team should always ask customers to promote your brand or service if the customer service query is dealt with successfully. This could be a simple share on social media, “Great customer service”.
A business driven by metrics based on customer service is one that is reactive to customer needs and NPS is an obvious KPI. The goal should be to Increase the % of promoters while decreasing the number of detractors. This can be achieved through improvement in customer engagement, customer services, sales, and marketing (sMarketing).
(Note: Have you heard of OptiMonk? It’s a powerful onsite messaging solution that helps you convert up to 15% of abandoning visitors to sales and leads. Give it a try – click here to create a free OptiMonk account now.)