How to Increase Online Sales: 14 Strategies for 2024

How to Increase Online Sales: 14 Strategies for 2024

With online shopping more popular than ever before, it’s no surprise that online stores are constantly searching for ways to boost sales. If you’re one of them, you’ve come to the right place! 

In this article, we’ll share 14 proven strategies to help you drive more online sales in 2024 and beyond. 

So buckle up, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s dive into the world of ecommerce!

14 techniques to increase sales in your online store

Let’s get right into the top 14 tactics that can boost online sales for any ecommerce store!

1. Find the best value proposition

Finding the best version of your value proposition is essential to increased online sales.

Value propositions are what first get potential customers to understand the key differences between your product(s) and those of your competitors.

But unfortunately, it can be really difficult to predict which value proposition will most effectively entice more customers to purchase from you.

That’s why A/B testing is the best way to optimize your sales pitch. This allows you to use hard data to find out which value proposition resonates and convinces your target audience to choose your product, rather than relying on your gut instinct.

How do you test multiple value propositions? Well, OptiMonk makes it easy!

  1. Create a Dynamic Content campaign.
  2. Select the headline that you’d like to A/B test on your landing page and rewrite it.
A/B test with OptiMonk to find the best value proposition to increase sales online

3. Start an experiment comparing your original headline with your new headline. 

A/B test with OptiMonk to find the best value proposition to increase sales online

2. Match your headline to your ad copy

If you’re running paid ads on social media to attract website traffic, it’s a great idea to personalize the copy that potential customers see when they hit your landing pages

That way, the value proposition that your landing page promotes can echo the one that was in the social media ad.

This will increase your online sales and the ROI of your marketing efforts.

Match your headline to your ad copy & increase online sales fast

Luckily, it’s really easy to boost online sales using this tactic. Here’s how to set it up in just a couple of steps:

  1. Create a new Dynamic Content campaign with OptiMonk, then select the landing page section that you’d like to personalize. You can simply write different copy to match your social media ads.
Match your headline to your social media ad copy with OptiMonk

2. Use the “Visited URL” rule to only show your campaign to visitors who are coming from a specific ad.

Match your headline to your social media ad copy with OptiMonk

And that’s it!

3. Promote free shipping based on cart value

Free shipping has always been one of the most persuasive incentives for customers to shop online—9 out of 10 consumers say so.

And these days, you really need to offer free shipping because 66% of consumers expect it. And that’s not all: 48% of abandoned carts are left behind as a result of unexpectedly high costs like shipping during checkout.

By offering free shipping, you can meet customers’ expectations and increase online sales as a result. However, if you’re not just interested in improving online sales but also your average order value, there’s a marketing strategy for you: free shipping thresholds.

With a free shipping threshold, you’re only offering free shipping to people who spend more than a certain amount. Lots of potential customers will happily spend that little bit more in order to qualify for free shipping.

Using OptiMonk, you can create a dynamic free shipping bar that promotes your offer. It will constantly remind visitors how much more they need to spend to reach your free shipping threshold, doing a lot to increase online sales fast.

How to increase online sales with a dynamic free shipping bar

Here’s how you can set up dynamic free shipping bars on your online store and boost online sales.

  1. Choose one of OptiMonk’s many sticky bar templates.

2. Add the “Cart value countdown” Smart Tag to your campaign.

How to increase online sales with a dynamic free shipping bar

3. Create a second page that automatically appears when a visitor reaches the free shipping threshold.

4. Increase urgency with limited-time offers

One of the best ways to increase your online sales is by creating a sense of urgency

When it seems like there’s only a limited quantity of your product left or only a limited time to take advantage of a special deal, the fear of missing out (FOMO) will encourage customers to make a purchase now rather than later.

Increase online sales with urgency

Increasing sales using this method is really easy to do:

  1. Choose an embedded message and fine-tune it to your style.

2. Use our Point and Click tool to place your message. 

3. Schedule your campaign in advance so you can make sure that you won’t forget to activate it in time.

5. Personalize offers based on traffic source

Your target market likely contains segments of customers that have different interests and needs. That’s why trying to use one-size-fits-all messages for your entire audience isn’t a good idea.

With source-based targeting, you can display different messages for visitors arriving on your website from different ads.

This is a quick, easy way to create buyer personas on a basic level and deliver relevant messages that will result in more sales.

Target online shoppers with personalized offers based on traffic source

All you need to do is:

  1. Create a new Personalized Experience in OptiMonk.
  2. Modify your Experience variants. Insert the name and logo of the traffic source that you’d like to display on your campaign.
How to personalize offers based on traffic source with OptiMonk

3. Use source-based targeting to show your new message only to visitors from a specific source (e.g. Facebook).

How to personalize offers based on traffic source with OptiMonk

6. Help returning visitors continue where they left off

Online sales don’t always happen right away, especially for new customers. Often, people need some time to explore all their options before making the final decision to make a purchase.

As a result, it makes sense to help your potential customers shop efficiently across multiple visits to your website. 

Luckily, there are plenty of chatbot templates, pop-up tools, and product recommendation campaign ideas that can be useful here.

Using OptiMonk, you can create a campaign that looks like the one below. It immediately reminds customers of the products they were browsing the last time they visited your site, jumpstarting their shopping experience.

This added convenience will help you improve the customer experience and grow sales online.

Help returning visitors continue where they left off to increase sales online

Here’s the setup process:

  1. Create a product recommendation campaign.

2. Turn on the “recently viewed products” feature of the product element.

How to help returning visitors continue where they left off with OptiMonk

3. Set targeting to returning visitors.

How to help returning visitors continue where they left off with OptiMonk

7. Run seasonal campaigns

Online shoppers can get bored when they see discount code after discount code, for two reasons:

  1. Many ecommerce marketing efforts are repeated all across the internet, so shoppers start tuning them out.
  2. Existing customers of a particular brand will get bored if the website always looks the same.

Changing up your offer by using seasonal campaigns is a great way to keep your website fresh. 

Here are just a few of the many seasonal campaign templates that OptiMonk offers.

8. Promote your bestsellers

Once a visitor makes it to your category pages, they probably know what kind of product they’re looking for. At that point, they just need to weigh their options.

That means your goal should be to help them find the best product for their needs as quickly as you can.

You can display your “most popular” or “trending” products in the category they’re currently browsing. This makes your products seem desirable, since many other people are buying them—especially if you back it up with social proof like customer testimonials.

Here’s an example of what this could look like:

Promote your best-sellers to increase conversion rate

To use this tactic, you’ll need to choose a product recommendation template again, just like you did with tip #6. 

But this time, you’ll need to choose the “Most popular” setting in the product card:

How to promote your best-sellers

9. Offer a discount for cart abandoners

As anyone working in ecommerce knows, cart abandonment is one of the most important challenges to overcome. Studies show that the average shopping cart abandonment rate is 66.5%.

Although you’ll never get this number down to 0%, any website sales you can make at this point will go straight to your bottom line.

Exit-intent popups are the best way to save cart abandoners because they appear right when a customer is about to leave, giving you a chance to “save” the conversion.

Cart abandonment popups like the ones below have a 17.12% average conversion rate. As you can see, OptiMonk has a lot of beautiful templates that make it easy to increase online sales by stopping cart abandonment.

10. Remind subscribers of their coupon codes

Whenever you’ve given a potential customer a coupon code, you want to make sure they don’t forget about it.

If you want to keep something at the top of your website visitors’ minds, a sticky bar is a great way to go about it. 

That’s because sticky bars are always onscreen but don’t interrupt the shopping experience. By helping ensure nobody forgets about their available discount, you’ll see your online sales shoot up.

Here’s a great example of Kiss My Keto using a sticky bar to remind their customers about a discount coupon.

Increase online sales by reminding subscribers of their coupon codes

Use these ready-to-use coupon reminder templates to increase your online sales:

11. Recommend relevant products in blog articles

Which blog posts your audience chooses to read gives you a lot of information about what each individual is interested in. 

If you sell a few different types of products, you can deduce which category they’re interested in based on the blog posts they’re reading. 

That’s why you should promote the products you sell that can help solve the pain points that customers are trying to address. This helps get users onto your product pages as quickly as possible, thereby increasing the likelihood they’ll make a purchase.

Increase online sales by recommending relevant products in blog articles

To get started, choose a product recommendation embedded campaign:

12. Launch a post-purchase attribution survey

Are you doing a lot of brand building, demand generation, offline marketing, or social marketing, but you’re not sure how effective these strategies are? That’s not surprising—these strategies are usually undetectable through Google Analytics.

A post-purchase attribution survey will help you to measure which strategies work best for your brand, which can help you invest your marketing efforts in the right channels. 

Right after a customer makes a purchase, they’re feeling happy and enthusiastic, which makes it very likely that they’ll complete any survey that you give them. It also has the effect of making your customers feel like you’re listening to them.

You can use a feedback popup like one of the ones below on your post-purchase page to get a handle on which marketing tactics are working best for you.

13. Promote new products for existing customers

You know a lot about your customers who return again and again, and in turn, they know a lot about you. 

While on one level that’s great, it can also be hard to get this segment of customers excited about your products. They’ve already tried many of them!

That’s why you should heavily promote your new products to this segment. You can personalize this message for each loyal customer by including their name in the embedded content, like the example below.

Increase online sales by promoting new products for existing customers

Here’s the setup process:

  1. Choose an embedded message and fine-tune it to your style.
  2. Add the “First name” Smart Tag to your headline. This will allow you to welcome your returning customers in a personalized way.
How to promote new products for returning customers

3. Change the content and the button URL to show off your new products.

How to promote new products for returning customers

4. Use the Point and Click Placement tool and place this embedded message on your homepage below your hero banner.

14. Offer a loyalty program

A customer loyalty program can be a valuable tool for any ecommerce business looking to increase customer engagement and drive repeat purchases.

You can offer rewards to entice customers for their repeat purchases and interactions with your brand. This will make them remain loyal to your business.

Research indicates that many consumers are more likely to continue buying from a brand when they have the opportunity to earn rewards.

By offering rewards for actions such as referrals, social media sharing, and additional purchases, you can keep customers engaged with your brand and create a sense of community around it.

Starbucks Rewards

5 CRO tools for increasing online sales

Now that we’ve gone over 14 great ways to increase online sales, let’s take a look at some of the best CRO tools for implementing them.

1. OptiMonk

OptiMonk is a CRO tool to increase sales online

OptiMonk is an all-in-one CRO toolset that provides popups, website personalization, and A/B testing.

It is built for ecommerce marketers and agencies looking for quick and affordable solutions to boost the performance of their campaigns and increase online sales.

OptiMonk is easy to use and packed with features. It also has tons of integrations with CMS and email marketing tools (like Klaviyo), meaning you can use your customer data across different marketing channels.

Let’s see some of OptiMonk’s innovative features.

Key feature #1: Popups

OptiMonk’s popups are the secret sauce to turning visitors into loyal customers.

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill popups; they’re strategic conversion machines. Set them up once, and let them work their magic with opt-in rates as high as 10-15%.

With smart triggers and customizable designs, these popups grab attention and drive action, whether it’s signing up for a newsletter, snagging a discount, or making a purchase.

Key feature #2: Website personalization

Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all websites. With OptiMonk’s website personalization tool, you can create a tailored experience for every visitor without touching a single line of code.

You can segment your audience based on behavior, demographics, or preferences, and serve up content that speaks directly to their interests using Dynamic Content.

Whether it’s recommending products, displaying personalized offers, or greeting returning customers by name, it’s like rolling out the red carpet for each visitor, leading to higher engagement, longer time on site, and ultimately, more sales.

Key feature #3: A/B testing

OptiMonk’s A/B testing tool makes it a breeze to experiment with different elements of your campaigns and uncover what resonates best with your audience.

Whether you’re tweaking headlines, testing out new offers, or playing around with different combinations of messages, our intuitive platform lets you launch experiments in a snap.

By analyzing the results in real time, you’ll gain invaluable insights into what drives conversions, enabling you to fine-tune your strategy and optimize performance like never before.

OptiMonk Experiments feature

Additional benefits:

  • Easy-to-use editor: The drag-and-drop editor means that designing your campaigns is effortless.
  • Point & click placement: Use an intuitive point & click tool to position your embedded content.
  • Analytics: Advanced campaign analytics reveal how well your campaigns are performing.
  • Smart Tags: This feature enables you to maximize your returns on the first- and zero-party customer data you’ve collected.

2. HubSpot

Hubspot all-in-one content management system

HubSpot is an all-in-one content management system. It allows you to get your website up and running, keep track of your visitors and customers, and much more. They have lots of features that can lead directly to increased sales, such as their website personalization system.

3. VWO

VWO experimentation platform to boost online sales

VWO is an A/B testing tool that you can use to increase online sales. You can also import your performance on key metrics to see how you’re performing in the areas you really care about. 

There are a number of pre-set experiments that help you get into the weeds even if you don’t have a degree in statistics.

4. Optimizely

Optimizely personalization tool

Optimizely is a popular website personalization tool. They’ve developed a Digital Experience Platform that increases web traffic by boosting engagement and content sharing.

However, Optimizely’s high price makes it more suitable for larger brands.

5. Sumo

Sumo lead generation plugin

Sumo is a simple lead generation plugin that allows you to get your opt-in forms up and running within minutes. In fact, Sumo’s catchphrase is “set it and forget it.”

With their intuitive drag-and-drop builder, you can quickly adapt one of their opt-in form templates with minimal editing. And Sumo has several other products that integrate seamlessly with their popup maker, including King Sumo and AppSumo.


How can I increase my online sales fast?

There are many strategies to increase sales, but there’s no one method that can guarantee immediate growth for every single business. All businesses are different and all of them have different target audiences.

Nonetheless, it’s always important to have the basics in place, like a great value proposition and a well-designed website. Once you have that covered, you can start focusing on personalizing messages for each customer. This makes it possible to increase your conversion rate, thus your online sales. 

What are 4 general ways to increase sales?

In ecommerce, there’s a general rule that outlines the four ways that you can increase online sales (and revenue). Here they are:

  • Increase the number of customers
  • Increase the average order value
  • Increase the frequency of transactions per customer
  • Raise your prices

In general, the worst way to boost revenue is to raise prices. That’s because you might make more money in the short term, but lose customers in the long term. It’s better to use the first three paths to increase online sales.

How do you attract customers to your online store?

There are many ways to attract customers to your online store. SEO, content marketing, PPC, and social media are all great strategies.

Wrapping up

That’s it for now—you have what you need to start increasing your online sales today!

The tactics we went over give you lots of different options for improving the customer experience and boosting sales. You don’t need to implement all of them at once, but choosing one or two that you think your customers will appreciate is a great start.

You also know all about the OptiMonk features that can help you implement these tactics easily. Why not give it a try for your online store?