Which Popups Are Most Important for Shopify? 6 Types You Need

Which Popups Are Most Important for Shopify? 6 Types You Need
Which Popups Are Most Important for Shopify? 6 Types You Need

Want to provide a better customer experience and boost sales at the same time? Personalized popups can do the trick—serving tailor-made messages that speak to visitors based on their behavior.

First-time buyers. Returning customers. Shoppers on the fence. You need to reach ‘em all.

And thanks to behavior-based targeting, you can easily present relevant popups for visitors at every stage of the customer journey.

We’ve broken down the best popup use cases that every Shopify merchant should try.

Would you like to create amazing and catchy headlines that make your popups irresistible? Grab our 50 Headline Popup Examples swipe file and get inspired!

1. Promote your newsletter in exchange for a discount

Data shows that most first-time buyers feel empowered to make a purchase when presented with an offer. 

Scoring an opt-in establishes a relationship with your customers even on their first visit. 

How are you going to encourage that ever-so-important opt-in, though?

Deals and discounts are among the most powerful incentives for sign-ups: that’s why they’re so common among Shopify stores.

For example, check out how Miracle Brand invites visitors to unlock an immediate $10 offer with a quick and seamless newsletter signup.

Promote your newsletter in exchange for a discount

2. Remind returning visitors about their abandoned purchases

Shoppers often bounce between multiple sites and competitors before making a decision. Or maybe someone began their product search via mobile but wants to wait until they’re at home to click “buy.” 

Either way, welcoming your returning visitors via popups should be a top priority. 

It helps to create a sense of friendly familiarity and also boosts your conversion rate in the process. That’s because returning visitor popups often serve as the “Aha!” moment for someone to make a purchase.

The key here is to say “Welcome back” and remind shoppers what they were interested in. You can either combine your reminder with a discount or simply encourage shoppers to keep looking around.

3. Reduce cart abandonment with time-sensitive offers

Cart abandonment is a huge thorn in the side of modern merchants. 

In fact, 70% of online shopping carts are abandoned and it’s a universal problem.

Whether through timing or cursor-tracking, a well-placed popup can stop fickle customers in their tracks. Something as simple as a coupon or discount can seal the deal.

bebemoss 10% coupon

Your popups should create a sense of urgency that drives people to complete their purchases sooner rather than later. 

If you need more inspiration, check out our recent guide on cart abandonment popups for Shopify.

4. How to increase their order value

Shoppers will drop more cash on a purchase if it means free shipping.

Merchants should drive buyers to reach that ever-so-important threshold to get it. 

You can also use more subtle messages, like a side message or a sticky bar instead of just popups.

partake 5-in-1

Put your free shipping threshold front-and-center as soon as visitors land on-site. This way, it’ll constantly be in the back of their minds as they begin browsing.

5. Promote seasonal offers to increase your sales

The phenomenon of seasonality in ecommerce is well-documented. From holidays to special events and beyond, seasonal promotions are a prime opportunity to inject some personality into your offers.

That’s because seasonal popups encourage you to get creative and, dare we say, have a bit of fun. 

Tying in your Shopify popups with high-spending holidays like Christmas or Black Friday is a no-brainer. However, also consider season-specific popups that serve as a light nudge for your visitors to make a purchase. 

Check out this subtle sidebar from WP Standard, for reference:

6. Use lucky wheels to gamify the shopping experience

Anything you can do to make your Shopify store more interactive is a plus.

That’s exactly why “spin-to-win”-style popups are all the rage right now.

The concept behind these popups is simple enough: visitors are invited to play a quick game of chance in exchange for a discount.

Lucky wheels represent a breath of fresh air versus more traditional popups. Also, consider that interactive popups cause visitors to stay on-site longer and make more touchpoints with your business. 


Take advantage of the creative and behavior-targeting tools available to you as a Shopify merchant. Prioritize personalization. 

The good news is that tools like OptiMonk allow you to create customer-friendly popups in just a matter of clicks. With tons of proven templates and customization features at your disposal, our platform lets you personalize your site’s shopping experience ASAP. Let’s get your numbers up!

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